High School Senior Portraits
Greater Appleton/Green Bay AreaWith limited availability in
Door County, WI / Evanston, IL
San Clemente, CA / Ocean City, NJ
Yearbook Selections
FAQ: How does the deposit work?
The deposit holds your spot and is transferable to a new date should a scheduling conflict (sports practice schedule for example) arise. I have backup dates and times not listed on the regular calendar to ensure make-ups can happen due to sickness, weather, or a schedule conflict. The deposit is non-refundable unless a substitute date cannot be found.
FAQ: How do I book a shoot?
Book a shoot online using the button at the top or bottom of this page.
FAQ: How many images will I receive?
You will receive access to all digital images from your shoot, and includes a set amount of edits depending in your package. Additional edits may be ordered for an additional fee
FAQ: Where are you based
I am based out of Appleton, WI, and provide senior portrait services mainly to the Greater Appleton & Green Bay Areas, Door County, Chicago, and everywhere close and in between those locations. As my work takes me nationwide, I have also done senior portraits in Florida, New jersey, California, and North Carolina.
FAQ: What is your turnaround time?
You receive your digital proofing gallery within 10-14 business days on average. After that, the faster you send me your yearbook selection and additional edits, the faster I can get those back to you.
FAQ: Do you submit to our school's yearbook?
I usually do not submit the file for you. I believe its best to email the files to you, so you can review and make sure everything looks good, and then you submit yourself to your high school yearbook advisor. This way you have the email confirmation that you submitted it.
Family Portraits
Sports Documentary

Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.
Team Photography

Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.
Nate is a USA based photographer and entrepreneur
A graduate of New Trier High School in Winnetka, ILHas lived in Chicago, IL, Door County, WI, and Appleton, WI with extended stays in Southern California and Ocean City, NJOver 15 years of experience in all areas of photography, including portraiture, sports, and documentary.Serving Appleton, WI, Green Bay, WI, and Chicago, IL year round. Often found in Southern California, Florida, New Jersey, & North CarolinaAvailable for short term and long term assignmentsMore information coming soon. In the meantime, please contact me if you have any questions.Thank you

Current & Past Clients
Kimberly High School Athletics
Milwaukee JR Admirals
Evanston High School Communications
Evanston Wildkit Baseball
Evanston Hockey
Evanston Wildkit Soccer
Mammoth Hockey
Kimberly Lacrosse
Gibraltar Players
Make it Better Magazine
USA Surfing
Illinois Chamber of Commerce
Right Way Signs of Chicago
Featured In
Freesurf Magazine
Door County Living Magazine
Make it Better Magazine
Appleton Magazine
Washington Island Observer
Ocean City Sentinal
Long Term
Documentary Projects
Surfing / 2018-PRESENT
Kimberly Football / 2013-PRESENT
Evanston Baseball / 2015 - PRESENT
Door County Baseball / 2003 - PRESENT
Gibraltar Players / 2013 - 2019
New Trier Lifestyle & Activities / 2002-2011
Contact Nate Perry Photo
If you cannot find a time, please contact nate@nateperryphoto.com as I have some availabilty not listed
Washington Island PortraitsIf you cannot find a time, please contact nate@nateperryphoto.com as I have some availability not listedUse the buttons below to veiw the schedules for Mini Sessions or Full Senior / Family Portrait Sessions
Access your team/school/or organizations gallery with a codeYou should have been provided with a code that I will then match with your team and/or organization to grant you access to your photos. You should only need to register once (per team/school. Future seasons you will have automatic access with your account).You will receive an email within 1-2 business days (after the photos are ready) granting access to the gallery. Please keep an eye on your spam folder.A valid email address is required for account creation and access to the gallery. Recommended that players and parents have separate accounts.Please do not share accounts outside your immediate family. Any orders could go to the wrong email or shipping address.Your email and/or personal information is not sold or distributed to any outside parties. It also does not automatically subscribe you to any mailings.Thank you!